

Monday, October 26, 2015

Week 3

Day 1 of 3
Do Now: Get your SpringBoard and your computer.  Make sure you have your journal and something to write with on your desk as well.

Timed Writing #1

Class Activities:
1. Graphic Novel     and the Narrative
2. Persepolis
3. Elements of a Graphic Novel
4. Indie Reading and the Graphic Novel
 5.After Reading and JOURNAL 5

Day 2 of 3

Get your SpringBoard.  Make sure you have your journal and something to write with on your desk as well. 

JOURNAL 6: Today you will read two narrative poems and then compare how each writer uses narrative elements. How do you expect the narrative elements and techniques you have studied in the prose texts to be the same or different in poetry?

Class Activities:
1. Comparative reading of narrative poems, p.121
2. Poetry Writing

Day 3 of 3

1. STAR Testing

2. When finished with link and read about here Writing a Script

3. View Smoke Signals selected scenes (this means we are NOT watching the entire movie)