W.9-10.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences
RI.9-10.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Day 1 of 3
Describe a time you moved to a new place (1st person POV). Or describe a time you observed somebody getting used to a new place (3rd person POV). The new place does not necessarily have to be a country, but could.
Class Activities
1. Narrative Elements and Marking-the-Text
2. "Funny in Farsi" reading and annotating
3. Elements in Groups with Turnkey
Target Practice: Timed Writing #1
4. Clauses, Syntax, and Narrative Elements
5. Brainstorming Incidents
Target Practice: Stamp Counter
Day 2 of 3
Think about a major event in your life that you might describe using either fast or slow pacing. Write about the incident. With a partner, share your free write and discuss the pacing you used in your description
Class Activities:
1. Narrative Techniques: Pacing and Description
2. Marking-the-text for Pacing and "Pick One"
3. Clauses, Syntax, and Narrative Elements
4. Brainstorming Incidents
Target Practice: Work with a partner and share Incidents.
Day 3 of 3
Do Now: Journal 4
Take a moment and think about a person you know who tells great stories. What is it about their storytelling that makes it so good? One thing that they probably do is change the way that they say things as they tell the story. With a partner, quickly generate a list of dialogue tags other than “said” that good storytellers use.
Class Activities:
1. Narrative Technique: Dialogue and Description
2. Rooster and Dialogue
3. Direct and Indirect
Target Practice: Timed Writing #2