L.9-10.6: Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Day 1 of 2
Do Now: Put your phone and other personal electronics in your bag and deposit bags in the back of the room. Get your INB, your planner, and pen/pencil from your bag. Pick up your SpringBoard, head to your desk.
JOURNAL 1: What issues/elements seem to appear in all cultures? What does UNIVERSAL mean to you?
Class Activities:
1. JOURNAL ONE and Q2 J-Stamp
2. Unit Overview with Key Vocab: memoir, narrative, dialogue tags, narrative pacing, persona
3. Predicting and Unpacking EA1
4. Doc Titles, Turning-In
Target Practice: What genre seems most appealing to you for EA1?
HW: --Independent Reading -- due WEEK 7 -- try the library for a book!
We suggest that you make your Q2 IR an autobiography, biography, or personal narrative of some kind. Assignment options are the same as Q1.
Day 2 of 2
Do Now: TBA
Class Activities:
1. Review Elements of a Narrative; Q1 Texts
2. SIFT focus: Imagery
3. "Where I'm From" marking-the-text for Imagery and Repetition
4. Emulating Structure and Style: Writing Fiction
5. Terms- Setting, Point of View, Characters
6. Target Practice: How did you use repetition?
HW: --Independent Reading -- due WEEK 7 -- try the library for a book!
We suggest that you make your Q2 IR an autobiography, biography, or personal narrative of some kind. Assignment options are the same as Q1.