W.9-10.3a: Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing a of view, and introducing a narrator and characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.
W.9-10.3d: Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey the action and convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
W.9-10.3e: Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative.
Do Now: Please put away electronics. Get your SB and journal out. Make sure you have something to write with.
TITLE DOC: lastname_EA1
1. Rubric Review. Link is here.
TITLE DOC: lastname_EA1
1. Rubric Review. Link is here.
2. Conference Sheet
3. Writing Workshop with Conference Pairs
Looking Ahead:
-Mon/Tues are workshop days---Draft Due Tues midnight---Must Contain All 5 Elements of Narrative to get a "Yes" grade for Progress Report!
-Thursday/Fri---peer edit and workshop
-FINAL DRAFT EA1 due Friday the 13th by midnight...boo!
Looking Ahead:
-Mon/Tues are workshop days---Draft Due Tues midnight---Must Contain All 5 Elements of Narrative to get a "Yes" grade for Progress Report!
-Thursday/Fri---peer edit and workshop
-FINAL DRAFT EA1 due Friday the 13th by midnight...boo!
-Remember to share to:
bcretton@kkhs.k12.hi.us AND mcerny@kkhs.k12.hi.us
Day 2 of 2
W.9-10.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
W.9-10.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
Do Now: Please put away electronics. Get your SB and journal out. Make sure you have something to write with.
2. Finish Conferences
3. Self Assessment Using Rubric
3. Self Assessment Using Rubric
4. Reminders About Submission of Final EA1
HW: -EA1 is due Friday at midnight